Consultations are $40. You can send me an email and include your pets name and their photo.
After I communicate with them I prefer to record the information and send it to you by email. I use a photo and correspond by email because it is less distracting for me than talking on the phone.
The least I know about the animal in the beginning the better, so please don't tell me anything other than their name and their photo.
If you have any questions please email me.
I will communicate with your animal and email the information to you. You can then ask any specific questions that you have if I didn't cover them during the initial conversation with your animal. So please have your questions ready.
Feedback is very important and greatly appreciated after the consultation, so please let me know how you feel and if the experience was satisfactory and if your relationship between you and your animal has gotten stronger.
I do this because I love animals and want to be able to help them express their views and make life easier for them.
I will send them reiki, which is a form of energy healing, if it will help their situation. If we find something that is bothering them, I can suggest a Bach Flower Remedy that might help.